Namespace Dapplo.Windows.Input.Enums
The extended-key flag, event-injected flags, context code, and transition-state flag. This member is specified as follows. An application can use the following values to test the keystroke flags. Testing LLKHF_INJECTED (bit 4) will tell you whether the event was injected. If it was, then testing LLKHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED (bit 1) will tell you whether or not the event was injected from a process running at lower integrity level.
The event-injected flags. An application can use the following values to test the flags. Testing LLMHF_INJECTED (bit 0) will tell you whether the event was injected. If it was, then testing LLMHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED (bit 1) will tell you whether or not the event was injected from a process running at lower integrity level.
The type of hook procedure to be installed via the SetWindowsHookEx function. This parameter can be one of the following values:
An enum specifying the type of input event used for the SendInput call. This specifies which structure type of the union supplied to SendInput is used. See INPUT structure
This enum specifies various aspects of a keystroke. This member can be certain combinations of the following values. See KEYBDINPUT structure
A set of bit flags that specify various aspects of mouse motion and button clicks. The bits in this member can be any reasonable combination of the following values. The bit flags that specify mouse button status are set to indicate changes in status, not ongoing conditions. For example, if the left mouse button is pressed and held down, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN is set when the left button is first pressed, but not for subsequent motions. Similarly, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP is set only when the button is first released. You cannot specify both the MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL flag and either MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN or MOUSEEVENTF_XUP flags simultaneously in the dwFlags parameter, because they both require use of the mouseData field. See
A list of possible scancodes
Symbolic constant names, hexadecimal values, and mouse or keyboard equivalents for the virtual-key codes used by the system. The codes are listed in numeric order. See Virtual-Key Codes